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My first Reiki session: 


I really needed help with my life when I booked my first Reiki session but I didn't know what to expect. My friend said it was relaxing and one friend said she visualised the stress leaving her body as black smoke. I thought she was mad. (She is but all the best people are!) By this point I had been struggling with anxiety for 18 months. I was open to anything.


My sat nav didn't recognise the postcode of my practitioners house! I was stressed and angry at myself for not being more prepared. I was so upset that I was in tears. 

I laid on the bed, so comfy, and thought this upset will pass but I cried for the whole hour! I was quite embarrassed but after 10 minutes I accepted that this is what I needed. Looking back now I understand that I needed to release this emotional blockage. I'd never allowed myself to grieve over the death of my Nan and I didn't feel safe in my body because of anxiety or my home because I'd been a victim of a break in attempt.

After just one session I felt a gigantic emotional blockage was removed and I was ready to heal. My springboard of mental, emotional and physical recovery was uncovered and the next 3 sessions empowered me to jump on that springboard to the next part of my life journey. 

What happens during a Reiki session?

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